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Prevention, treatment and remission

Diabetes and obesity

Type 2 diabetes and obesity are both metabolic diseases, and their cause is deeply rooted in eating behaviors and lifestyle. Removing the primary causes that lead to diabetes and/or obesity allows the body to benefit from the time and conditions necessary to stop and send these two conditions into remission.


The video pills below give patients all the information they need to be able to take the first steps to stop and reverse type 2 diabetes and excess weight.

Diabet cauză și vindecare
Diabet în remisie
Obezitate vinovat
Weight loss
Ficat gras
Diabetul vindecat
Chronic diseses remedy
carenta sau dependenta.jpg
Remisie diabet
diabet c.jpg

Theme adressed în shows and boadcasts

Belsug de sărbători
La radio despre kilograme
Loosing weight eating plenty
Diabet la Ekklesia
La radio diabet
Diabetis day on radio
Diabetis and nutrition on radio
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